Our medical practice transition consultants provide our clients the best opportunity to create a thriving, sustainable concierge medicine practice.

We start by building the foundation of our partnership through a series of in-depth conversations with you and those most important in your life.

Here are some key factors we consider when determining whether our approach will work for your practice.


  • Do you have a strong connection with your patients?
  • What are your personal goals with regards to family, finances, health and patient care?

Your patients

  • What are the demographics of your current patients?
  • What are the market demographics in your area?
  • What’s the age distribution of your panel and what’s the payer mix?

Your practice

  • What’s the size of your current patient panel?
  • How long have you been practicing in the community?
  • What can we learn from the competitive environment?

Our evaluation process can vary from physician to physician but it will typically include these critical steps:

    1. Initial Conversation
    2. Practice Survey
    3. Preliminary Assessment
    4. Patient Panel and Financial Analysis
    5. Practice Visit
    6. Management Committee Review
    7. Finalize Consulting Agreements
    8. Begin Transition

Once we’ve determined that transitioning is the right move, our three-phased approach fosters honest communication, consistent collaboration and remarkable results.

Phase I

Create practice vision and develop messaging

When beginning a medical practice transformation, the first step is ensuring that caregivers and patients understand what will be happening. We help define what the practice’s mission will be and how it will be communicated to those receiving care. When considering how to start a concierge medical practice, it is crucial that your approach be tailored specifically to your community, and we can help you through this process.

Phase II

Execute the transition process through patient communication and education

One of the most common questions patients have is, “How do concierge doctors work?” We give staff members the tools they need to answer that and other queries. This ensures that your concierge medical practice transition can be as smooth as possible for everyone involved.

Phase III

Engage and retain current patients while growing the practice to ensure long-term success

Transitioning to concierge medicine can be a tricky procedure, but our proven strategies for engaging with your existing patient base and bringing in new customers can help you implement a successful process.

During and after the transition process, we provide a wide range of services including membership management, financial processing, ongoing regulatory review, practice marketing and practice-growth support.