Let our experts at Specialdocs guide your transition to a concierge OB-GYN practice.

A successful concierge OB-GYN practice is built on a foundation of trust. Unfortunately, it can be challenging for providers to establish a good rapport with patients under the traditional insurance-based structure. This is why numerous practices are transitioning to OB-GYN concierge medicine.

If you’re thinking about making the leap into this patient-centric model of care, turn to Specialdocs Consultants. We have the knowledge and expertise necessary to guide you through the process of converting to concierge gynecology. When we join one’s journey, rest assured that you will experience the smoothest conversion for you, staff and patients. We also offer ongoing consulting services after the fact to help you continue to grow.

How the Concierge Model Benefits You

Many doctors choose to start an OB-GYN concierge medical practice because of the advantages this model provides. Because it is based on a subscription framework instead of depending on reimbursement from insurers, it gives you more freedom to care for patients. Not only will you and staff spend less time dealing with paperwork, but you’ll also have more latitude for exploring multiple treatment options. Perhaps most importantly, you’ll be gaining more face-to-face time with the people you serve.

No one knows as much about the process of switching to this model as we do. Count on us to assist you with all of the crucial elements needed to convert your business. These include membership billing, communicating with patients, regulatory compliance and establishing a growth strategy. We handle all of the behind-the-scenes details so you can concentrate on the practice’s true purpose.

A Multitude of Options for Change

If you’re thinking about adopting this structure for your operations, there are a few ways to go about it. In addition to converting an existing practice, you also have the option to join an OB-GYN concierge medical practice that already exists. Another option you have is to acquire an OB-GYN concierge medical practice from a provider who may be retiring. No matter which arrangement works best for you and your circumstances, we can provide expert assistance throughout the entire process.

Trust in Our Experience

We’re the most knowledgeable and experienced consultancy serving this specialized market. If you’re ready to learn more about what type of results we can deliver for you, take the first STEP and get in touch with us today.

During and after the transition process, we provide a wide range of services including membership management, financial processing, ongoing regulatory review, practice marketing and practice-growth support.

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Why Physicians Choose Specialdocs
Specialdocs provides a unique approach and support for concierge medicine practices. Here’s why physicians across the country are partnering with Specialdocs to create and grow their concierge medicine practices.

Client Stories
Don’t just take it from us. Watch our clients describe the continuing challenges of the traditional practice model and how Specialdocs helped them make a successful transition to concierge medicine.

Meet Specialdocs Consultants
Since 2002, we’re the concierge medicine consulting company that cares about the success, health and happiness of our physicians and their patients. Learn more about who we are.