Concierge medicine is a better way for patients to experience healthcare. Here’s how it works…

In concierge medicine, patients pay an annual membership fee to their physician and, in exchange, receive same-day or next-day appointments, more time for each visit, as well as a comprehensive 60+ minute annual exam.

“I just feel like a number in the traditional medicine offices where it’s definitely individualized, patient-focused care.”

– Dawn B., Patient of Specialdocs Client
The patients of Specialdocs concierge physicians say they have a more meaningful, personal relationship with their concierge doctor.
Watch as these patients describe what they love about concierge medicine and their concierge doctor.

There are many benefits of seeing a Specialdocs concierge doctor. You get the personalized attention and care you deserve, and your physician becomes your partner in health. You also experience:

24/7 direct communication with your doctor

Focus on preventative care

Less need for ER and urgent care clinic visits

Help navigating the fragmented health system

Same day or next day appointments

Little or no waiting in the office

Comprehensive annual exam

Holistic approach to healthcare

There’s a dramatic difference in the care you receive from a Specialdocs concierge doctor compared to the traditional practice model.

We conduct a rigorous, highly selective process for determining which doctors will be successful as concierge physicians. We look for exceptional physicians with superior patient relationships and interpersonal skills and genuine passion for practicing outstanding medicine.

Since 2002, we’ve connected tens of thousands of patients throughout the United States with our amazing concierge physicians. Contact us to find the physicians closest to you.