
From Employment to Unfettered Enjoyment: 3 Doctors Chart Their Path to Freedom with Concierge Medicine

Is the era of independent practices quickly fading into obscurity, along with the corner drugstore, paper medical records and house calls? Maybe, according to the latest statistics which point inexorably to that conclusion, with more than 77% of doctors now employed by a hospital, health system, large group practice or insurance company; among physicians under 40, the rate rises to 85%.

Or maybe not, as a fiercely independent breed of physicians have found a way to stay true to their deeply personal vision of care with a change to concierge medicine. Their pre-conversion lives, filled with hectic, overbooked days, nights hunched over a computer, and weekends of missed family time, are sure to strike an all-too-familiar note with physicians still mired in the volume-based world of hospital employed and corporate owned medical practices.  As featured in the brief vignettes below, their new reality as concierge doctors has profoundly altered their course both professionally and personally, enabling them to practice medicine their way…independently, autonomously and with genuine joy.

Two decades into his career, Dr. Keith Chumley felt he had lost sight of everything that had originally attracted him to medicine and was unable to be the “old school doctor who developed great relationships with his patients.” The launch of his southern California-based concierge practice in 2023 has restored his passion for medicine. “I’m gratified to be available to patients when they need me, to have time to extensively research their conditions, confer with colleagues, coordinate specialist care, and focus on prevention,” he says, “all of which makes a real difference in long-term health.” He strongly encourages other doctors to “think about how – not if – you’re going to transition to concierge medicine, because the sooner you make that jump, the sooner you’ll have the freedom of practicing the way you want to for the rest of your career.”

For dedicated young endocrinologist Dr. Rachel Steinman, the bureaucracy of medicine at a large hospital system was diametrically opposed to her desire to care for patients as family. She shared the frustration of patients who waited six months for an appointment or received email responses late in the night because daytime hours were so full. “There were simply not enough hours in the day to fully support patients with complex, chronic conditions, and have time to spend with my two young girls,” she says. “Opening my concierge practice has enabled me to better balance working and familyhood. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to delve deeply into my patients’ issues and help them enjoy a better quality of life.”

Like Sisyphus endlessly rolling a boulder up the hill, after 12 years of laboring in a busy healthcare system, Dr. Michael Ford realized the impossibility of ever catching up. “It was completely unworkable,” he asserts, “and I knew I couldn’t practice this way anymore.” Concerned about the well-being of his patients, and the health of his family life, he identified experts (Specialdocs Consultants) to help him successfully launch a concierge medicine practice in 2023. The transformation, he says, has been complete on every level. “What patients really appreciate the most is just the ability to get medical care when they need it. I don’t feature souped-up physicals, just the finest medicine I can offer. I am very, very thorough, and patients receive my absolute best effort every time we interact.”  In stark contrast with his previous experience, “I look forward to coming here every day and seeing the amazing opportunity for discovery with each patient visit.” His advice to peers: “Get enough experience to know you’ve become a good doctor and then don’t delay. Find a company like Specialdocs to work with who share your values – who won’t control you or brand you or tell you how to care for patients – and will set up the practice of your dreams.”

Author: Mindy Kolof is the public relations strategist for Specialdocs Consultants, a pioneering company dedicated to transforming physicians’ professional lives since 2002 with a change to its industry-leading concierge medicine model.

If you’re looking to gain your independence to practice your best medicine for your patients and achieve a rare work-life balance, then consider taking our brief STEP form so that we may determine if you’re a good candidate for concierge medicine. Specialdocs Consultants is here to answer all your questions and guide you every step of the way towards building your concierge practice.

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