Specialdocs Changing the Lives of their Physicians

Jeffrey Weinberger

TEASER: Dr. Jeffrey Weinberger talks about the initial driving force that led him into medicine and how this force was reinstated when he transitioned into concierge medicine. Weinberger cites a stress-free transition and personalized model as the two main factors that contributed to him finding a love for medicine again.

Dr. Jeffrey Weinberger was drawn to medicine for the key value it brought to patients’ lives. The high stakes decisions that required courage to prevent, diagnose and prescribe patients kept his motivations rooted in altruism.

00:11 to 00:16

“What I’m doing for that person in that moment to make their life better is why I became a doctor.”

With the current traditional health care environment, Weinberger was forced to take on more patients to stay in business due to abnormally low insurance reimbursements for primary care physicians. It wasn’t until his passion had run dry that he looked into concierge medicine as a solution.

00:47 to 01:00

“I called Specialdocs up and said ‘I think I need you.'”

The organization delivered on their promise to “take care of everything”, cultivating a “completely stressless” transition.

This major life step for the doctor paid big dividends as Weinberger has been granted a new outlook on balance in life and how his medical practice fits into that balance.

01:21 to 01:36

“I can’t tell you what it’s like to get up in the morning and love being a doctor again. They changed my life and they did it in a way that was personal and simple.”

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