Concierge Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is one of the most complex disciplines in healthcare, and internists must juggle many different responsibilities. They need to be experts in diagnosis, treatment and drug interactions with regard to many illnesses that affect adults, so their expertise is extremely valuable. However, the traditional model of care doesn’t always allow these providers to offer the level of attention they need to give the people they treat. Relying on reimbursements from insurers means they have to take on as many patients as possible, limiting the amount of interaction they can have with each individual.

This is why so many internists have chosen to switch to the concierge model of medicine. This subscription-based structure enables them to provide consistent, specialized supervision, making it the most rewarding and fitting model for this specific field. Fortunately, Specialdocs Consultants has the experience needed to help support you in the switch to a concierge internal medicine practice.

What Concierge Internal Medicine Means for You

Working under the standard model of healthcare means you’re working from behind almost all the time. You’re forced to see as many patients as possible every moment of every day, making it virtually impossible to get to know any of them as people. Your staff is buried under a mountain of paperwork required for insurance reimbursement, keeping them from interacting with your patients in all but the most perfunctory way. Perhaps worst of all, the poor work-life balance you experience puts you at risk of being burnt out well before you reach retirement age.

Choosing to become a concierge internist can alleviate many of these concerns, allowing you a greater opportunity to deliver the superior patient care and restructuring many of your daily responsibilities. By switching to a model where patients pay you directly through a subscription, you can take on as many patients as you’re comfortable seeing. You’ll be able to spend more time with each one face-to-face, and you’ll spend less time filling out forms. It’s up to you to determine how you’ll manage your practice, and it’s our job to provide you with the internal medicine consultants to help you with the transition.

“Specialdocs has been very good about following my lead and supporting my vision. They give me ideas on how to succeed in my vision.”

Carrie Cardenas, MD
Internal Medicine Physician
San Diego, California

Working With Specialdocs

As pioneers in our field, we know what it takes to help internal medicine physicians achieve success. Our consultants in internal medicine support your vision and provide guidance to help you execute it in the most successful way. One of the reasons doctors love working with us is because they maintain control over their practices, whether they come to us for concierge cardiology or any other discipline within primary care.

Because your situation is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for transitioning your practice. We have the knowledge and experience needed to guide you in the right direction, however, so you will be able to deliver patient care the way you’ve always believed you should. Get in touch with us today to take your first step.

During and after the transition process, we provide a wide range of services including membership management, financial processing, ongoing regulatory review, practice marketing and practice-growth support.

Looking for more resources to help you understand how Specialdocs works? We’ve got you covered…

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Why Physicians Choose Specialdocs
Specialdocs provides a unique approach and support for concierge medicine practices. Here’s why physicians across the country are partnering with Specialdocs to create and grow their concierge medicine practices.

Client Stories
Don’t just take it from us. Watch our clients describe the continuing challenges of the traditional practice model and how Specialdocs helped them make a successful transition to concierge medicine.

Meet Specialdocs Consultants
Since 2002, we’re the concierge medicine consulting company that cares about the success, health and happiness of our physicians and their patients. Learn more about who we are.